Tuesday 3 July 2018

Top Ten Tuesday | USA TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week you compile a list of ten books which coincide with that week's theme. You can find everything you need to know about joining in here!

This week's theme is ' Books with Red, White, & Blue Covers (In honor of the 4th of July in the USA. Choose covers with your own country’s colors if you prefer!)', but I decided to do something a little different and talk about some books on my TBR that are set in the USA instead! Oddly I've noticed that a lot of these would be good books to read near Halloween...

The Diviners by Libba Bray: I've been meaning to read some Libba Bray for years and still haven't, and this series set in 1920s New York sounds so fun.

Devils Unto Dust by Emma Berquist: The first of two novels on this list to feature zombies, this book is giving me serious Blood Red Road vibes, which I loved, and I have a soft spot for characters called Daisy and Ben so I really should get this one.

Dread Nation by Justina Ireland: More zombies but this time on the battleground of the American Civil War in this YA alternate history novel. This is another one that sounds really fun!

Leah On the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli: Can't wait to get to this one - huzzah for bisexual representation!

Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt: I love books about witches and witch trials but I don't read much horror at all. Hex sounds so creepy and cool, though, so I'd like to get to it at some point.

The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager: I read and enjoyed Final Girls last year and this one sounds like it'd be a fast-paced thriller to read over the summer!

Things Half in Shadow by Alan Finn: This one's been on my TBR for years and every Halloween I mean to pick it only to get distracted by something else.

The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal: This is a new release that's giving me Hidden Figures vibes, something of a sci-fi alternate history novel about women wanting to get involved with the colonisation of Mars.

The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin: I've heard great things about this novel so far, about a group of siblings who learn when they're going to die and how it effects the rest of their lives.

Unbury Carol by Josh Malerman: This one sounds like Sleeping Beauty gone wrong meets a western, which is a story I didn't know I needed until now.

Which books made your list this week?


  1. Ooh I like The Diviners and The LAst Time I Lied. The Calculating Stars is nice as well.

  2. I haven't heard of a lot of these books on your list, but I love how you interpreted the theme this week. I for one can't wait to read Leah on the Offbeat, Albertalli is doing so well as getting LGBT representation into the mainstream which is so, so awesome (LGBTQ+ books should be shouted about so much more right?!)
    Anyway, here's my TTT: https://racheleanne.wordpress.com/2018/07/03/top-ten-tuesday-03-07-2018/

  3. I haven't read any of these-I'm actually kind of trying to find more books set outside the US, since it always seems like 90% of the books I read that aren't set in fantasy worlds are set there!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/07/03/top-ten-tuesday-166/

  4. So many books here I want to read! I read Dread Nation and really disliked it and I'm currently reading The Last Time I Lied

    Here's our TTT:

  5. These books look good! :-) I hope you like them when you get to them!

  6. I don't think I've seen that cover for The Diviners before, I like it!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  7. Nice post for this week's TTT topic!

    Here's a link to my TTT post of this week:

  8. I hope you enjoy all these! I’ve read Dread Nation and liked it. I still need to read Leah and The Immortalists.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  9. I've had The Diviners on my shelves for years but I still haven't gotten around to it yet. Hopefully I'll get to it this year :)

  10. I just finished THE LAST TIME I LIED and it was SO GOOD!!! Better than Final Girls even. It's set in a creepy summer camp and that alone gives it the edge. I also loved the first Diviners book when I read it. It also has a cool setting (1920's NYC) and the serial killer element was page-turning.

  11. I've heard Dread Nation is a really good read, but haven't really taken a closer look at it. That said, the cover is epic!! :)

  12. The Diviners is OUTSTANDING.

  13. I absolutely love the Diviners series - and yes, it's perfect for Halloween! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me
