Thursday 3 March 2016

Accidental Hiatus

So I accidentally didn't post anything in the latter half of February. Oops.

I like to update my blog with posts every Monday and Friday, and 99% of the time those posts are scheduled in advance because that's the way that works best for me. This is something I'm going to get back into through March.

I managed to land myself in a reading slump in February - probably because of that bloody TBR I tried to set myself - and I also started a new job that I have to commute to; every week day morning I leave the house at around twenty past seven, and I don't get back home until around six o'clock. So I spend almost twelve hours of my day at work, at a fairly busy job, and getting there and back. By the time I get home I'm pretty tired, so I haven't been writing blog posts in the evening as frequently and I haven't been reading as frequently either.

On top of that February wasn't the best mental health month for me. I'm not going to go into any detail - I'm fine, by the way - I just needed to take some time to myself where I didn't add worrying about my blog to the list of problems going round and round in my head.

So apologies for my little absence - I'll be back to my usual blogging self from tomorrow!


  1. Sorry to hear about the reading slump and definitely mental health is more important than blogging so it's probably good you took a little break. I hope your new job/commute gets easier and less exhausting!

  2. Taking care of yourself is WAY more important than a blog - I'm glad you decided to take a break instead of really burning yourself out! I hope you feel better soon and that you manage to find time to get back into reading :) Congrats on the new job by the way!

  3. Aww I'm sorry, I hope you get things sorted out eventually! It's good to disconnect every once in a while :)

  4. I totally understand this! The past couple months have been rough for me at work because I've been managing temps at work for people that are on maternity leave so I have no energy to write posts or even read when I get home. Hoping I can get back in the swing of things too!

    1. Thanks Deanna. :) I hope things get a little less hectic for you soon, too!
