Tuesday 1 August 2017


I disappeared for a couple of weeks there. Oops.

Hello! So if you saw my last post you'll know I went to Disneyland Paris last month and I had an amazing time. 

At least I had an amazing time the first two days I was there, the last two days I was there I was ill. I continued to get worse once I was back in the UK until I ended up spending the night in hospital because, lucky me, I got quinsy again.

It's just typical that I fell ill while on holiday, I'd been looking forward to going all year, but never mind! Worse things have happened and I'm much better now.

Sadly, though, being ill and trying to catch up at work at the busiest time of year has meant I didn't complete the Camp NaNoWriMo project I was hoping to finish - which is particularly frustrating because I was making such good progress at the start of July! - and I also haven't read anything in way too long and I'm just feeling a bit wrung out and not in the mood to blog. So instead of worrying about not populating my blog, I'm going to go ahead and take a step back and come back in September refreshed and (hopefully) ready to write a ton of new content. I miss the book blogging world, I just haven't been reading enough to join in properly.

I may pop up later this month if Top Ten Tuesday takes my fancy, but if not I'll see you all in September!


  1. Sorry to hear about your illness �� but seriously do what you need to do to get better. The blogging community will be here when you return. ❤
    Deanna Reads Books

  2. Glad to hear you have plans to come back! Blogging breaks are essential!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear you got sick right on your trip! Take whatever time you need to get yourself better :) We'll all still be here when you get back ♥
